User Agreement

Here is the translation of the text into English:

The text of this Agreement is a public offer and a proposal for the use of this Platform under the terms specified in the Agreement.

Acceptance of this offer is considered to be the performance of actions using the Platform by a third party.

Definition of terms.

In this Offer, terms shall have the following meanings:

Offer – this user agreement to use the Platform.

User – a person using the Platform.

Cryptocurrency – a software code (a set of symbols, numbers, and letters) that is an object of property rights and can act as a medium of exchange, with information about it entered and stored in the blockchain system as accounting units of the current blockchain system in the form of data (software code);

Platform - a set of information, texts, graphic elements, design, images, photos, and video materials, a set of software and technical means used by the Platform for processing transactions made by Users on the Platform.

Announcement - a task accepted by the Platform from the User expressing their intention to carry out an exchange operation under the terms specified in the task.

All other terms and definitions that occur in the text of the Agreement are interpreted by the Parties in accordance with the legislation and customs established on the Internet, as well as the usual rules for interpreting the relevant terms.

The titles (articles) of the Agreement are intended solely for the convenience of using the text of the Agreement and do not have literal legal significance.

From the moment of starting to use the Platform and/or registering on the Platform, the terms of this Agreement are accepted and binding for the User.

ATTENTION: If you do not agree with the terms of this Agreement, do not use the Platform and do not register on it.

  1. General Provisions

1.1. The Agreement regulates the procedure for providing Users access to the Platform, obtaining information about posted announcements, and posting announcements on the Platform.

1.2. The Platform provides the User with access to the Platform and the ability to use it. The User agrees to use the Platform according to the terms of this Agreement.

1.3. The Agreement regulates the procedure for conducting transactions using the Platform, the procedure for posting announcements, types of entrance, security, and other contributions from users, types of operations, and the procedure for conducting them using information on the Platform.

  1. Access to the use of the Platform.

2.1. Authentication of access to the Platform interfaces is ensured by using the login and password specified during registration on the Platform.

2.2. After registering on the Platform, the User gains access to a personal account. The User has the right to carry out operations on the Platform using their personal account.

  1. Posting announcements on the Platform.

3.1. The Platform posts User announcements for cryptocurrency exchange and ensures compliance with the equivalence of the exchange established by the Users. Under the announcement for cryptocurrency exchange, the offer of the User to exchange cryptocurrency under the terms specified by the User is meant. To post an announcement, the User needs to fill out a form designated for announcements.

3.2. Cryptocurrency exchange operations are carried out based on announcements submitted by Users. Posting an announcement is an administrative act of the Platform based on the User's instruction to carry out a cryptocurrency exchange operation under the terms specified in the announcement. The User can withdraw announcements and change their parameters.

3.3. Announcements on the Platform are posted by Users under certain terms of cryptocurrency exchange with other Users. At the same time, the Platform, under no circumstances, is a party to the announcements and exchange operations between Users. Announcements are executed directly between Users with the informational support of the Platform.

3.4. Announcements placed in the queue, which are not withdrawn by Users, remain on the Platform until they are executed.

3.5. A User's announcement is posted on the Platform after checking for the presence of security and other contributions necessary for the execution of the announcement.

3.6. Security contributions are calculated in Cryptocurrency and the national currency of Ukraine (henceforth hryvnia). To secure the fulfillment of obligations under the posted announcements for cryptocurrency exchange, Users transfer to the Platform's accounts the volumes of Cryptocurrency and hryvnia equivalent to the full volume of the announcements and the volume of the security contribution established by the Platform.

3.7. The security contribution is returned to the User in the case of withdrawal of announcements submitted by the User - partially, in the amount that falls on the withdrawn announcements the execution of which has not yet begun.

3.8. The Platform monitors the availability of Users to post and execute announcements and thus increases the trust of Users in each other, reducing the risk of a User's failure to fulfill obligations under the posted announcements. The Platform does not post announcements if the User's security contribution is insufficient for the execution of the posted announcement.

3.9. For the first replenishment of any currency, to combat fraudulent schemes, a hold on withdrawals for 72 hours is set. This restriction is one-time and applies only to the replenishment currency.

  1. Execution of announcements.

4.1. An announcement is executed when a counter announcement with equivalent conditions is placed. At the same time, the placement of counter announcements by the Platform is recognized by Users as the acceptance of their announcements. The announcement is considered executed from the moment the Platform places the counter announcement.

4.2. An announcement can be executed partially. In this case, the Platform will post a new announcement in the amount of the unexecuted remainder from the initially placed announcement.

4.3. When reviewing announcements, the User independently makes a decision about the acceptability of the exchange conditions and the start of the execution of the operation. To carry out the operation for the selected announcement, the User, according to the graphical interface of the Platform, places a counter announcement with conditions similar to the selected announcement. The exchange operation is considered to have started at the moment the User places the counter announcement. At this time, the volume available for exchange in the submitted announcement decreases by the volume of the operation. The volume in the counter announcement decreases by the volume of the operation. If the resulting unexecuted remainder equals zero, the counter announcement is removed from the queue as executed. When the Platform receives confirmation of the completion of the exchange, the announcement is considered executed.

4.4. Settlements for announcements and exchange operations conducted through the Platform operate on the principle of full pre-deposit of the entire volume of Cryptocurrency offered for exchange and security contributions in volumes established by the Platform.

4.5. Cryptocurrency exchange is conducted directly between Users on the terms specified in the posted announcements.

4.6. Fulfillment of an announcement occurs through the transfer to the Users' accounts of the amounts of Cryptocurrency specified in the counter announcements. The transfer of Cryptocurrency is carried out automatically by the Platform. From this moment, the Platform's obligation under the User's instruction is considered fulfilled.

4.7. The Platform may establish the procedure for posting announcements, types of entrance, commission, security, and other contributions from users, types of operations, and the procedure for their execution on the Platform unilaterally.

4.8. The User is obliged to undergo the identification procedure established by the Platform or third parties (payment aggregators, credit and other organizations) when executing announcements, and to comply with other legal requirements in the field of combating money laundering (legalization) of proceeds obtained through criminal means.

4.9. In cases of account blocking by an anti-money laundering (legalization) of proceeds obtained through criminal means algorithm, the User is OBLIGED to undergo full identification by filling out a verification form on the website and sending to the email [email protected] a video with the document on the photo page, also adding bank confirmation of the right to own the account with which deposit/withdrawal operations are conducted, and transaction receipts if any. In special cases, when there are requests from law enforcement agencies, video communication through Skype between the blocked User, the exchange representative, and the authorized investigator or law enforcement officer may be required.

4.10. Since the Platform is not a tax agent in the sense of tax legislation, and accordingly does not keep track of incomes, Users are required to independently declare, calculate, and pay taxes on the income received from conducted exchange operations, in the amount and within the deadlines provided by the current international legislation and the legislation of the User's country.

  1. Risk warning

5.1. The User guarantees that they are aware of the basic principles of payment systems, Cryptocurrency wallets, and have the ability to conduct transactions with them.

5.2. The User understands that the Platform posts announcements, based on which the exchange of Cryptocurrency is carried out, and that the terms of the announcements are set by the Users themselves. The Platform does not influence the announcements posted and chosen by the Users. The User bears all economic risks associated with choosing one announcement over another. The Platform does not guarantee the User that the announcement will be executed and that the terms of its execution will be favorable for the User.

5.3. The User understands that the Platform has no relation to the conduct of operations and/or transactions with Cryptocurrency, therefore the Platform does not assume any guarantees regarding the terms and/or the possibility of conducting operations and/or transactions with electronic currency.

5.4. The User understands that any operations with Cryptocurrency have an irreversible nature.

5.5. Any operation with Cryptocurrency can be unilaterally terminated without explanation of the reasons.

5.6. The User understands the uncertain legal status of Cryptocurrency and the corresponding risks that may deprive the User of the right to ownership, including, but not limited to, the right to dispose of Cryptocurrency and hryvnia, which is held as a security contribution by the User, in the event of the seizure of the Platform's servers, blocking of the Platform's IP address, etc.

  1. Rights and obligations of the Parties

6.1. The User has the right to:


  1. According to the terms of the Agreement, gain access to the Platform and a personal profile.

6.1.2. Receive information about announcements posted by the User.

6.1.3. According to the terms of the Agreement, post announcements on the Platform.

6.2. The User is obliged to:

6.2.1. Properly fulfill the terms of the Agreement.

6.2.2. Provide complete and accurate data necessary for the identification of the User.

6.2.3. Provide additional information, explanations, and other information about announcements at the request of the Platform.

6.2.4. Make commission, security, and other contributions to the Platform's accounts;

6.2.5. Not transfer account data to third parties;

6.2.6. Immediately inform the Platform in case of loss or compromise of the password, as well as in case of unlawful possession of access to the personal cabinet by third parties.

6.2.7. Familiarize themselves with changes and additions to this Agreement.

6.2.8. Bear the risk of accidental loss of security contributions in case of seizure of the Platform's servers by law enforcement agencies or blocking of the Platform's operation by the relevant authorities.

6.3. The Platform has the right to:

6.3.1. Receive commission, security, and other contributions from Users to ensure the operation of the Platform.

6.3.2. Request information from the User necessary for their identification.

6.3.3. Request information from the User about posted announcements.

6.3.4. In case of detection of announcements executed in violation of the Agreement, terminate the execution of announcements and return the received amounts to the Users who participated in their execution.

6.3.5. Block the User in cases of violation of the offer terms or the Agreement without explanation of the reason, but with the possibility for the User to withdraw the available security contributions from the Platform's accounts.

6.3.6. Change and supplement the terms of the Agreement.

6.3.7. Deny access to the Platform in case the User does not provide the information necessary for their identification.

6.3.8. Monitor the status of the execution of announcements by Users.

6.3.9. At its discretion, decide on the execution of an announcement or their withdrawal according to the terms of the Agreement.

6.4. The Platform is obliged to:

6.4.1. Provide the User with access to the Platform, subject to the User's compliance with the terms of the Agreement;

6.4.2. Provide the User with information about the status of announcements posted on the Platform.

6.4.3. Credit the Platform's accounts with commission, security, and other contributions from users, according to the terms of this Agreement.

6.4.4. Ensure the return of due security contributions to the User, according to the terms of this Agreement.

  1. User contributions.

7.1. The result of using the Platform is the exchange of Cryptocurrency between Users. At the same time, the User acknowledges that the exchange on the Platform is conducted based on announcements posted by Users, and the Platform, under no circumstances, is a party to the exchange.

7.2. Commission, security, and other contributions from users for the operation of the Platform are determined according to the tariffs, which are determined by the Platform separately for each posted announcement.

7.3. The Platform, on behalf of the User, retains commission, security, and other contributions at the moment of execution (including partial) of a posted announcement, according to the tariffs determined by the Platform with the User's approval when posting the announcement.

7.4. Users, at their discretion, may make non-refundable contributions to the Platform's account to support the operation of the Platform.

  1. Account deactivation and subscription fee for inactivity

8.1. If the User has not logged into their account on the Platform for 36 (thirty-six) consecutive months, the exchange has the right to apply a subscription fee for inactivity.

8.2. The subscription fee for inactivity will be charged from the User's account balance monthly, starting from the 37th month of inactivity, until:

8.3. If the balance of the User's account at the time of starting the accrual of the subscription fee equals zero, the account is subject to deletion from the Platform's database.

8.4. 30 (thirty) days before the accrual of the subscription fee or the deletion of the account, the User will receive an electronic notification to the registered email address. The letter will indicate the need to authorize on the Platform to maintain the account and reset the passive state counter.

8.5. Possibility of appeal:

In case of funds being deducted as a subscription fee or account deletion, the User has the right to contact the exchange's support service with justification of the reasons for their prolonged absence. If, after reviewing the request, it is established that the reasons for the absence are valid (e.g., prolonged illness, military service, force majeure, etc.), the exchange may decide to return the deducted funds or restore the account. All appeals are considered on an individual basis, and the decision is made at the discretion of the exchange.

8.6. The exchange is not responsible for possible losses related to the deletion of the account or the deduction of the subscription fee if the User did not take any measures to prevent this after receiving the notification.

8.7. The exchange reserves the right to change the amount of the subscription fee and the conditions for its application with mandatory notification of the User according to the general terms of this Agreement.

  1. Liability of the Parties.

9.1. In case of violation by the User of the terms of the Offer, legislation, norms of morality and conscience, or in case of collusion with other Users to violate the terms of the Offer, the Platform has the right to block or delete the User's personal cabinet, prohibit or restrict access to the use of the personal cabinet by the User access to certain or all functions of the Platform.

9.2. The User uses the Platform as presented, at their own risk. The Platform does not guarantee the User the achievement of any results as a result of using the Platform.

9.3. The use of multi-accounts and drops to circumvent withdrawal limits set by the Platform is considered a gross violation of the rules of use and will be punished by confiscation of funds from these accounts for the benefit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and the accounts will be blocked FOREVER.

  1. Taxes.

10.1. In accordance with the Tax Code of Ukraine, the Platform is not a tax agent of the User. Therefore, the User personally bears responsibility for paying all taxes accrued as a result of or in connection with the execution of announcements posted by them on the Platform according to the current legislation or existing taxation practice, taking into account possible changes. Non-resident Users should be aware that since they are not citizens of Ukraine, income received as a result of cryptocurrency exchange has the status of foreign origin.

10.2. The Platform is not responsible for the User's performance of tax obligations, providing the User with information or recommendations regarding the mentioned tax obligations, or notifying the User of changes in tax legislation or taxation practice.

  1. Change of Agreement terms.

11.1. The Platform has the right to unilaterally change the terms of the Agreement, and such changes take effect from the moment of publishing the new version of the Agreement.

11.2. Each time the User visits the Platform, they are obliged to check for a new version of the Agreement.

11.3. The continued use of the Platform and/or personal cabinet signifies the User's agreement with the terms of the new version of the Agreement.

11.4. If the User does not agree with the terms of the new version of the Agreement, they must immediately stop using the Platform.

  1. Special conditions.

12.1. The Platform contains results of intellectual activity. By using the Platform, the User acknowledges and agrees that all content of the Platform, including the structure and content of the Platform, is protected by copyright, trademark rights, and other rights to the results of intellectual activity, and that these rights are valid and protected in all forms, on all media, and regarding all technologies, both existing at present and developed or created later. No rights to any content of the Platform are transferred to the User as a result of using the Platform.

12.2. By agreeing to the Agreement, you automatically subscribe to receive email notifications.

12.3. The Platform may contain links to other resources on the Internet (third-party websites). Such third parties and their Content are not checked by the Platform for compliance with any requirements (authenticity, completeness, legality, etc.). The Platform is not responsible for any information, materials posted on third-party websites, to which the User gains access using the Platform, including any opinions or statements expressed on third-party websites, advertising, etc., as well as for the availability of such websites or content and the consequences of their use by the User.

12.4. The Platform has the right to make agreements for the assignment and transfer of debt for all obligations arising from the Agreement. The User hereby gives their consent to the assignment of rights and the transfer of debt to any third parties. In the event of the assignment of rights and/or transfer of debt, the Platform informs the User by posting the relevant information on the Platform or in the User's personal cabinet.

12.5. All disputes, differences, and claims that may arise in connection with the execution, termination, or recognition of the invalidity of the Agreement, the Parties will seek to resolve through negotiations. The Party in which claims and/or differences have arisen sends the other Party a message indicating the