KUB Token

What is KUB?


KUB Token (KUB) is an operational token of RICHAMSTER cryptocurrency exchange. KUB Token was created by RICHAMSTER Exchange in 2019 based on Waves Platform blockchain with a strictly limited emission. KUB plays important role in RICHAMSTER Exchange ecosystem and is used to receive discounts and bonuses by users.

Information about KUB Token creation on Waves Platform blockchain: 4uvPwbQB1qb5FPjWjfeBRRQujks3sj9MhXi3cgQCR9Yk

Information about KUB Token on Waves Token Rating: 4uvPwbQB1qb5FPjWjfeBRRQujks3sj9MhXi3cgQCR9Yk

Token type: not reissuable

Maximum tokens supply: 500 000 KUB

Analytical data on CoinPaprika platform: Richamster Token KUB


What is KUB for?


KUB Token (KUB) can be used to activate users' Trading statuses and to receive trading fees discount.

In addition to activating the Trading status, KUB provides an opportunity to receive gifts and bonuses from RICHAMSTER Exchange.

KUB Token is used as payment for BattlePass and BattlePassGold to participate in the annual RICHAMSTER Exchange Traders Tournament.

KUB tokens can be used to pay for the application and votes for Listing new coin/token at RICHAMSTER Exchange.

By KUB tokens users can purchase shares of RICHAMSTER Exchange at the monthly Auction, which provides unique opportunity to become a full-fledged co-owner of RICHAMSTER Exchange, to participate in profit sharing and management of the Exchange.


Where to get KUB?


KUB can be purchased by another assets at RICHAMSTER Exchange in following trading pairs: KUB/UAH, KUB/KRB, KUB/BTC, KUB/DASH.

KUB tokens can be earned by winning contests/challenges/tournaments from RICHAMSTER Exchange.

KUB can be received as a prize/reward for participating in promo and prize draws, which are regularly held by RICHAMSTER Exchange.

In order not to miss the chance to get KUB in promo/contests, please follow News on our website, in Telegram channel and group!